An Open Letter to NYC Elected Officials
Over 140 local organizations have come together to send NYC elected officials a message: as plans are made to rebuild from the devastation caused by Covid-19, the threats posed by climate change must be taken into account. Let's rebuild a safer, healthier, more just city.#BoldNextStepsNYC
March for Racial Justice
Through Climate Justice
On September 20, 2020, over 80 organizations came together to kick off #ClimateWeek centering the most marginalized communities and calling for a more just world. The march was followed by a webinar on climate, abolition, and decolonization. We put forth bold demands prioritizing the needs and asks directly from Black & Indigenous organizers and youth.
Stop State Funding of Climate Destruction
After years of pressure from the #DivestNY Coalition, the New York State pension fund will divest from fossil fuels! At $226 billion, it’s the biggest pension fund in the world to do so. A big win for climate action and now we work to get those funds into our communities.

Make Polluters Pay
Passing the Climate and Community Investment Act is imperative if New York is to meet its climate goals. Here Brooklyn kids create a message that legislators can't ignore: Make Polluters Pay. Pass the Climate and Community Investment Act (CCIA).
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